Functional ski school

Here at Kläppen, all skiers with a permanent disability are welcome to go to ski school. We accept skiers with most types of functional variations and offer both sitting and standing skiing

Our ski instructors are trained in functional skiing and are happy to help you create a memorable experience. Contact us if you want help getting started or taking/updating a license to be able to rent equipment yourself. We will help you with your wishes.  


Ski school we offer:

90 min 1082 SEK
2,5 h 1669 SEK

Equipment rental is added to the private lesson price, see price list here>>

If you book 3 or more lessons for the same person, you will receive a discount. 3 lessons give 10% discount, 4 lessons give 15% discount, 5 lessons or more give 20% discount.

When asking and booking ski school: 
Contact us at +46280-96200 or email