Kläppen idag 120cm -7.9°C 21 av 21 LiveCam
Price from 4 000 SEK >>

Junior Days

The best deal for children. We offer free ski school, rental equipment and Skipass for all children between 0-7 years.

More skiing for the money

You can get a really good deal if you choose a Saturday to Wednesday or Sunday to Thursday stay.
Next winter >>

Book next winter's ski holiday

Secure your accommodation for the next winter season at Kläppen. Experience skiing in four directions and you get sunshine skiing all day and wonderful momen...
Read more here >>

Always 10% cheaper online

It's always 10% cheaper to buy your Skipass, book your ski school and ski rental online. Get everything ready before arrival and save time and money.


Kläppen 360 >>

Kläppen 360

Click here to see Kläppen from above! 360-pictures on multiple view points. A magical view! Zoom and use your phones gyro.
Kläppen today >>

Welcome to Kläppen

On Kläppen today you will see today's weather, activities and lunch menus.