Kläppen Snowpark

Kläppen Snowpark

Being Sweden's best snowpark is no coincidence. It is the result of a determined effort from the start. For us it was obvious to make a total effort without compromise. It is about devotion and commitment bordering on obsession. The kicks are shaped, the jumps prepared and the landings softened. Our reward to is to see that all guests are satisfied, beginners as well as full-blooded professionals. We are determined that Kläppen Snowpark should be so good that you will always want to come back to seek new challenges, surpass yourself, learn more and have fun in the meantime.

For us it is vital not to become satisfied and complacent. Therefore, we will never be satisfied without constantly striving to test new ideas and dare to break boundaries. Another part of the secret behind Kläppen Snowpark is that we have an extensive area in which the imagination has free rein. We have an area equivalent to 14 football pitches to accommodate all jumps, boxes, rails and halfpipe. It takes a lot of snow to create all this, 17,000 well-filled trucks more specifically, then it feels good to have a new snow cannon system that delivers.