
Pre-book your ski equipment with delivery and have it delivered directly to the accommodation on the day of arrival. Smooth and easy, a perfect start to your holiday!

Få din skidutrustning levererad till stugan innan ankomst

Free delivery offer

Free delivery if you book before the last day of November.

You book by phone to Kläppen's booking department at +46280-96200. The offer only applies if you have booked accommodation through Kläppen. 

Price 199 SEK/booking (free if you book before the last day of November). The service must be booked latest 8 days before arrival. The equipment is delivered on Wednesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays and no later than 8PM on the day of arrival. 

You return your equipment in the ski rental no later than 6.30PM. In case of non-return, a fee will be charged.